Module 18 - Activity 2 : Reflect

Share your thoughts on why child abuse happens in school?

Take a moment  to reflect and post your comment in the comment box.


  1. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc .It should be totally remove from our society .

  2. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently especially in the school or institutions because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc .It should be totally remove from our society .

  3. Child abuse is a serious crime sometime happen in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination .

  4. Child abuse is serious crime sometime it happen in school and in our society as whole because the present of gender discrimination.

  5. Child abuse is serious crime sometime it happen in school and in our society as whole because the present of gender discrimination

  6. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently especially in the school or institutions because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc .It should be totally remove from our society .

  7. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.
    Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently in the school or institutions.because of various reason. Sometimes, however, those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of a child,whether the abuse is sexual, physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatized a child and have life long consequences. This should be totally remove from our society.

  8. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to no proper guidance of parents.

  9. Child Abuse happens rampantly in school because the main reason is that we are living in a Perverse generation, now even small kids knows about sexual activity through media which exhibit explicitly. The other reasons probably because of Caste system, where the higher caste look down on the lower caste, they think they can do whatever they want like rape, eve teasing thinking that they can got away with it also because parents from poor families will not take a stand to fight . Even though child abuse is a crime be it school or anywhere but the sad reality is that the crime is on the rise.

  10. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.

    Sometimes, however, those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of a child. Whether the abuse is sexual, physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatising for a child and have life-long consequences.

  11. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently in the school or institutions beta of reason sometimes due to no safety of school environment.

    1. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently especially in the school or institutions because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc .It should be totally remove from our society .

  12. Child abuse is a serious crime sometime happen in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination .

    1. The integration of vocational education from an early stage of schooling will help the learners in understanding as well as experiencing learning about different trades and occupations based on their skills.This process of learning will help them for future employment opportunities

  13. Child abuse is a crime. It's happend due to discrimination in genders

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. It happen in our society because of gender discrimination

  16. children from abuse

    When your child is in school, the school is responsible for keeping them safe from harm and abuse. The school should create a safe learning environment, identify pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action. The school also needs to train staff in child protection.

  17. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to no proper guidance of parents.

  18. Child abuse is occur in school due to lack of good Environment in society.

  19. School is a place where a child should be free and safe from harm and abuse.Its a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.But still we find that in most schools in India child abuse happens the reason behind it is because those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of child.Whether the abuse is physically, emotionally or sexually this can be extremely traumatising a child and have life long consequences on a child.The abuser in school may be person in position of trust such as teachers,other staff members or the pupils in school.

  20. Child abuse is a crime.It is due to gender discrimination.

  21. The practice of being unequality in childrens in term of gender or in knowledge lead a big problem in children's mentality. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently in the school or institutions because of various reason. Sometimes, however, those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of a child,whether the abuse is sexual, physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatized a child and have life long consequences. This should be totally remove from our society.

  22. Lack of sexual literacy and the inability of the governmental system to incorporate sexual education in schools is one of the basic reasons behind the increasing rates of child sex abuse in schools.Most of the victims of abuse are mostly unaware of what they experienced. This is because they do not get proper guidance in schools at the right age.

  23. Lack of proper guidance as a child they cannot judge it is r ight or wrong, so child abuse is very common. No love and attention for them. Mistreatment or neglect by an adult is arole of responsibility towards someone who is under 18 years of age.

  24. Child abuse oftenly happens in school because there are rules that are least apply to teachers and even to elders. That rules made should be more rigid for elders and seniors that later follows the juniors. And in This manner abuses would get vanish.

  25. When your child is in school, the school is responsible for keeping them safe from harm and abuse. The school should create a safe learning environment, identify pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action. The school also needs to train staff in child protection.

  26. When your child is in school, the school is responsible for keeping them safe from harm and abuse. The school should create a safe learning environment, identify pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action. The school also needs to train staff in child protection.

  27. When your child is in school, the school is responsible for keeping them safe from harm and abuse. The school should create a safe learning environment, identify pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action. The school also needs to train staff in child protection.

  28. Child abuse is occur in school due to the lack of good Environment in our society.

  29. Child abuse in school happen due to lack of support for children , gender discrimination.

  30. Child abuse can happen in school due to unsafe environment, inability of the child to understand the situation,lack of communication etc.

  31. Child Abuse happens rampantly in school because the main reason is that we are living in a Perverse generation, now even small kids knows about sexual activity through media which exhibit explicitly. The other reasons probably because of Caste system, where the higher caste look down on the lower caste, they think they can do whatever they want like rape, eve teasing thinking that they can got away with it also because parents from poor families will not take a stand to fight . Even though child abuse is a crime be it school or anywhere but the sad reality is that the crime is on the rise

  32. When your child is in school, the school is responsible for keeping them safe from harm and abuse.The school should create a safe learning, identify pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action.The school also needs to train staff in child protection.

  33. School authorities have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their pupils.The school is a previledged setting to prevent , recognise and intervene on situation that threatens childrens welfare and development.Thus, schools must ensure a safe environment for children and must be able to track their evolution,in order to notify to the competent authorities any identifies situations of venerability.For this reason it is the responsibility of the school.

  34. There is not one type of person who causes child abuse. Most of the time a child knows the abuser well. Sometimes people who abuse children were abused when they were children. Sometimes, people who abuses kids can show some signs. For example, parents who abuses their children may always talk negative about the child or call the child worthless. They may try to keep the child away from others. They may show little concern or affection for the child when a child is in school, the school is responsible for keeping them safe from harm and abuse. The school should create a safe learning environment, identify pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action. The school also needs to train staff in child protection. Most of the child abuse happens in schools where the school authorities are careless or don't care about the child protection. Such school are vulnerable to child abuse. The school authorities who try to protect the suspect for the sake of name and fame of school are always a welcome place for child abuse.j
    The most prominent reason could be psychological problems for a child abuse. People who aren't on their state of mind may cause such problems, they might look absolutely okay physically but probably could been through mental sickness. School staffs or teachers suffering through mental sickness or any sort of family problems may cause a child abuse. Hence it is important to note that the staffs are healthy not physically but mentally as this way we can make a better place for a child.

  35. Child abuse happens because abuser is holding a good post in school.Abuser creates such situations were students can't share their issues to anyone.Abuser knows the history of the child and commits the crime.It also happens as the part of negligence on the part of school stakeholders.

  36. Child abuse is a serious crime sometime happened in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination.

  37. This happen because some children belongs weaker sections and it also can happen due to gender discrimination.

  38. Child abuse is a serious crimes sometimes happened in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination.

  39. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.

    Sometimes, however, those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of a child. Whether the abuse is sexual, physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatising for a child and have life-long consequences.
    Swati kumari, MS. Madhopur, pandaul, hanumannagar, darbhanga, bihar

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. In most cases in a school the child abuse is often take place in terms of physical torture as most of teachers used to beat the student who has made mistaken in a class, extreme criticism and sometimes negative comments making the students discouraged.

  42. Child abuse happens in school because there are times when teacher failed to keep their personal or family matters only within their own environment. They want to burst out their anger in which they could not do at home hence showing anger towords a child in school

  43. School is a place of learning, it should be a place where it's the safest for every child but then sometimes child abuse do take place in school, this could be because someone who is in power taking advantage of his/her position and abuse a child either sexually or other kind of abuse, it could also be that a child come from a weaker sections and facing harassment that could be from anyone.

  44. Child abuse is a shameful crime act by a distorted minded human being.

  45. Lack of proper education to students of sexual literacy and the management donot take child abused properly are the reasons behind child abused in school.

  46. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.
    Child abuse is a serious crime.This should be totally remove from our society.

  47. It can happen due to unsafe environment and also gender discrimination

  48. Child abuse is happening in schools because the mind of the abuser is filled with things that cannot be expressed but shown to the one who cannot talk back to them. They express their emotional, mental, sexual, physical urge to the innocents. Thus, the school should checked of such personalities to avoid such mishap happening inside the classroom.

  49. These are the things that should be taught either to students or to parents or teachers
    3.ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT SCHOOL POLICIES:Most schools have policies in place for things like sexual harassment between students as well as policies dictating interactions between teachers and students.

  50. Child abuse happen in school due to lack of CCTV footage,discipline,lack of gender sensitivity workshops,poor infrastructure communication gap between the students and facilitator.

  51. Child abuse happens in school due to the presence of those people who think children are the soft target and they won't be able to speak up. Therefore children need to be educated during the early age about good touch and bad touch and also teach them to scream whenever they feel unsecured of someone.

  52. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently in the school because no proper safety of school environment and due to gender discrimination. Therefore child needs to know bad touch and good touch.

  53. Child abuse is a serious crime happen in school due to unsafe environment...this is due to gender discrimination

  54. Child abuse in school happen in school due to unsafe environment, in ability of the child to understand the situation, lack of communication etc.

  55. Child abuse can happen everywhere but in school it happens due to unsafe environments, and due to presence of some people who make children their soft target and sometimes it happens due to lack of checking from the teachers and the authority and sometimes due to lack of awareness if it happens between children

  56. Child abuse is a serious crime.Child abuse happens because of various reasons like taking the child for granted..,no proper safety of school environment, lack of awareness and gender discrimination.

  57. Child abuse happens in schools and society because of negligence and ignorance of the stake holders.

  58. Child abuse can happen anywhere whether at home or in the neighbourhood but the sad plight is that nowadays it is happening in our schools and institutions where parents thought these are safe for their child. Child abuse happens in school due to the trust a child has in a particular person especially those in position who takes undue advantage of the status to which rhe child belongs. Abuse be it a sexual, physical or emotional greatly harms and traumatized the child for the rest of his/her's life if nor found at the earliest.

  59. School should be a place where children's are safe from harm and abuse ,a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment

  60. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently especially in the schools or institutions because bof various reasons, like taking the child for granted , or may be the child belongs. To a weaker section. This should be totally remove from our society.

  61. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc .It should be totally remove from our society .

  62. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to no proper guidance of parents.

  63. Child Abuse happens rampantly in school because the main reason is that we are living in a Perverse generation, now even small kids knows about sexual activity through media which exhibit explicitly. The other reasons probably because of Caste system, where the higher caste look down on the lower caste, they think they can do whatever they want like rape, eve teasing thinking that they can got away with it also because parents from poor families will not take a stand to fight . Even though child abuse is a crime be it school or anywhere but the sad reality is that the crime is on the rise

    1. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently especially in the school or institution because of various reasons

  64. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to no proper guidance of parents.

  65. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently in our society due to various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker or poor section,parent can't take responsibility for child and take serious on education, background of family and society,etc

  66. Child abuse is a serious crime that happen in school or society. School should have a great connectivity with parents of the students,also it should have a responsibility whether it teacher or parents.

  67. Because of... no proper safety of school environment, gender discrimination,lack of awareness in diversity among students and sometimes with the facilitators

  68. Child abuse happens maybe because they are considered weak compared with adults.they are too young to fight back .

  69. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc .It should be totally remove from our society

  70. Child abuse can happen in school mentally or physically and due to various reason.
    - sometimes parents neglecting their duties for their children.
    - some one in power taking advantage of the child either sexually or mentally.
    - sometimes a child came from a weaker section and facing harassment in the environment where they live.
    - in school teacher must have a talk about child abuse so that children must aware about it , here it meant for both boys and girls so we can help them to face it.

  71. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment. Sometimes, however, those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of a child , whether the abuse is physical or emotional this can be traumatising for a child and have life-long consequences.

  72. Child is a crime ,this happens every where in the society due criminal mindset of some people,so the teacher in the school should create an awareness about sexual abuse and monitor them in such a way to minimise it.

  73. Child abuse can happen in school mentally or physically and due to various reason.
    - sometimes parents neglecting their duties for their children.
    - some one in power taking advantage of the child either sexually or mentally.
    - sometimes a child came from a weaker section and facing harassment in the environment where they live.
    - in school teacher must have a talk about child abuse so that children must aware about it , here it meant for both boys and girls so we can help them to face it.


  74. Unfortunately, the abuse of children in schools is more common than perhaps thought. Teachers, residential workers, caretakers, peripatetic teachers and other school staff have all been implicated in the physical abuse of children. Importantly, the threat still exists notwithstanding the checks that are frequently undertaken to prevent inappropriate individuals having access to children. The reality is that those who search for children to satisfy their evil intent will not stop simply because a set of rules have been introduced. They will simply find new ways to access children, become more cunning and manipulative in the pursuit of children to satisfy their malevolent objectives. It therefore remains essential that adults remain vigilant and when they are concerned about the behaviour of an adult, share their concerns with others. Reporting abuse in schools will reduce the number of offences committed.

  75. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently especially in the school or institutions because of various reasons.

  76. Child abuse is a serious crime sometime happen in school and society due to depression, fear of a certain adult, difficulty trusting others or making friends, sudden changes in eating or sleeping patterns, inappropriate sexual behaviour, poor hygiene , secrecy and hostility are often signs of family problems and may indicate a child is being neglected or physically, sexually or emotionally.

  77. Child abuse is happening in schools because the mind of the abuser is filled with things that cannot be expressed but show to the one who cannot talk back o them .They express their emotional,mental,sexual,physical urge to the innocents.Thus the school should check of such personalities to avoid such mis-happening inside the classroom.

  78. A school has the responsibility to educate all stakeholders about child development child safety and how to create the right invironment for children to ful safe.Conduct personal safety education classes for the students from kg to class x11)Orient the parents on child safety and support thim with parenting and issues related to their children,so that child safety is not compromised.

  79. Child abuse happen due to Gender discrimination, ignorance,lack of knowledge,no parent's guidance and child labour.

  80. Child abuse in school happen of various reasons it might be due to unsafe environment,lack of awareness of the child protection act, teachers are unaware of the child behavior etc.

  81. Child abuse in schools can take a number of different forms and be sexual, physical and/or emotional. Abusers can be
    • A person in a position of trust, such as a teacher
    • Other staff members
    • Pupils at the school

  82. Child abuse in the school have various reasons, it might be due to lack of awareness program in abuse or sometime by unsafety environmental condition.

  83. Every child has a right to a full and productive life.

    Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently in schools.
    Child abuse in schools may be physically, Emotionally, Mentally and sexually.
    This happens because of various reasons like
    1. Taking the child for granted
    2. Supperity complex of the Richer or the other gender
    3. Imbalance temper of a teacher is also a cause because sometimes they expeess their anger and brokenness on the students in schools.
    4. Because of the lack of compassion and understanding of the teachers from where the child comes and why the child behave unmannerly sometimes.
    And this have a Long consequences in the life of a child and this should be removed from the Schools completely.

  84. Child abuse often happen in school not only because of weaker section sometime teacher have feeling of partiality to some student and they often mistreat the student so it is important for the school head to have awareness program for the teacher and all the staff in the school as well to make the school environment safe and a happy environment for the student because school.
    Because school is the second home for the students so it should be a healthy safe environment for everyone.

  85. Child abuse happened in every where because due to lack of the government to provide supreme Power to safeguard the children in our country right from the beginning.

  86. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to no proper guidance of parents.

  87. Child abuse happens in school due to the presence of those people who think children are the soft target and they won't be able to speak up. Therefore children need to be educated during the early age about good touch and bad touch and also teach them to scream whenever they feel unsecured of someones

  88. The reasons are often complex, and there's no single or simple explanation. Most parents want to love and care for their child in a safe home. Stress, tiredness or lack of parenting skills or family
    Or teacher's support make the pressures of caring for a child overwhelming, and can cause abuse.

  89. Usually school is considered to be a safe place for children as they are in the place where they are supposed to be groom for over all development, but there are some members of the school be it a teacher,staff or a peer of a child who took advantage of innocent children and they mistreat the children and abuse them. In order to avoid such situations the school authority should take stern action and make rules beforehand that anyone who found abusing children or any member of the school, legal actions will be
    taken against them.

  90. Child abuse happen in school due to unsafe school environment, gender discrimination, taking the child for granted, lack of awareness among students etc. Child abuse is a serious crime and should be remove from the society.

  91. Child abuse is occurs in the school due to the lack of the safe and proper environment in the school and society.

  92. Child abuse is a serious crime we should be cautious of their safety

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Child abuse happen in school due to lack of safe and proper environment in the school, gender discrimination

  95. Child abuse is occur in school due to the lack of good Environment in our society.

  96. Every child has the right to a full and productive life. It is up to all of us to ensure our children grow up in the environments that build confidence, friendship, security and happiness, irrespective their family circumstances or backgrounds. Keeping children safe from harm requires a vigilant and informed community.

    To pave effective ways to prevent child abuse in schools, we need to set up a well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments and assertive in taking actions. Additionally, schools and educational institutions have a great role to play in it as they not only render learning and education, but also ensure children’s safety and protection as priority. So, it is essential that parents, teachers and educators working with children and young people are able to understand the role each plays in protecting children.

    Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse and neglect, also leave deep, lasting scars. Therefore, child protection policy must be based on the principle to ensure timely and effective intervention for children and young people who may be at risk of abuse or neglect. It is needless to say that the challenge of protecting children is everyone’s responsibility: parents, schools, communities and government. Everyone has a role to play in it.

    The first step in helping child abuse or neglect is to learn and recognise the signs and signals first which may occur through criticising, rejecting, degrading, ignoring, isolating, corrupting, exploiting and terrorising a child. It may also result from exposure to family violence or involvement in illegal or anti-social activities. It is also important to know that emotional abuse is almost always present when other forms of abuse occur and the effects of this form of abuse are not always immediate or visible. The long-lasting effects of emotional abuse may only become evident as the child becomes older and begins to show difficult or disturbing behaviours or symptoms listed as follows.

    1) Sudden changes in behaviour or school performance, learning problems (fear, withdrawal, depressed, anxious, difficulty concentrating, being absentminded and aloof) that cannot be attributed to specific physical or psychological causes.

    2) Poor self-image, poor self-care, lack of confidence, low self esteem.

    3) Imbalance temper of a teacher is also a cause because sometimes they expeess their anger and brokenness on the students in schools.

  97. Child abuse happen in school due to unsafe school environment, gender discrimination, taking the child for granted, lack of awareness among students etc. Child abuse is a serious crime and should be remove from the society.

  98. Child abuse is a serious crime sometimes it happens in schools and in the society as whole due to gender discrimination.

  99. Lack of proper guidance and good environment

  100. Child abuse is a serious crime sometimes it happens in schools and in the society as a whole due to gender discrimination and lack of proper guidance and lack of good environment.

  101. Child Abuse oftenly happens in school because there are rules that are least applicable to the teachers and even the elders. That rules made should always be more rigid for elders and seniors that later follows the juniors. And this manner abuses would get vanish.

  102. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently because of various reasons like taking the child for granted may be the child belong to weaker section, superiority complex of the other gender etc. It should be totally removed from our society.

  103. Child sexual abuse is one of the worst forms of violence against children and has a very high incidence.keeping children safe from any kind of abuses requires vigilant from the part of teachers ,parents and community.

  104. Child abuse is a serious crime sometime happen in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination.
    Sarkidaroy Suchiang.

  105. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse a place for them to learn and develop in safe environment.

  106. Child abuse happens in school due to the failure to give enough care or attention to someone or something that we are responsible.

  107. Child abuse is a serious crime that happen due to lack of support for children and gender discrimination.

  108. Child Abuse happens rampantly in school because the main reason is that we are living in a Perverse generation about sexual activity of through media which exhibit explicitly whether the abuse is physically, emotionally or sexually this can be extremely traumatizing a child.

  109. Child Abuse is serious crime sometimes it happen in school and in our society as whole because the present of gender discrimination.

  110. Child abuse is a serious crime sometimes happen in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination

  111. School is a place where children should be safe from harm and abuse. The school should create a safe learning environment, identify pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action. Child abuse can be sexual, physical, mental and/or emotional abuse. The factors that lead to child abuse are very complex and are interwoven with other issues which are more difficult to detect and understand. Therefore the school needs to train its staff to protect children from abuses and also teach children on how to protect themselves.

  112. Child abuse is a serious crime sometime happen in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination .

  113. Child abuse is a serious crime sometime happen in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination .

  114. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently especially in the school or institutions because of various reasons like taking the child for granted, may be the child belong to a weaker section. This should be totally removed from our society.

  115. Child abuse is a serious crime that happen in school and society.It happen due to lack of awareness and discrimination

  116. A school has the responsibility to educate all stakeholders about child development, child safety and how to create the right environment for children to feel safe.

    The school must:

    Have a strong child protection policy with a clear code of conduct for the staff (teaching and non-teaching). This ensures that there are no grey areas with respect to what a staff can and cannot do.
    Conduct ongoing training programmes for its staff on child safety.
    Conduct personal safety education classes for the students (from KG to class XII).
    Orient the parents on child safety, and support them with parenting and issues related to their children, so that child safety is not compromised.
    Work with child safety experts, NGOs and other external stakeholders. all stakeholders about child development, child safety and how to create the right environment for children to feel safe.

  117. Lack of proper guidance as a child they cannot judge it is right or wrong, so child abuse is very common. No love and attention for them. Mistreatment or neglect by an adult is arole of responsibility towards someone who is under 18 years of age.

  118. Child abuse its happen. If the parents are not taking care of their

  119. Child abuse is dangerous especially in schools. It is a very sad situation where small kids are unable to understand what situation they are at. This happens when less attention is paid to children in school.

  120. Child abuse may happen in schools when there is no strict laws to regulate such acts if at all a situation arises. A school is an institution of teaching and learning and care should be given to every student as long as they are in school and therefore it is the responsibility of the school authorities to make sure that students are safe..

  121. Child abuse happens in school because there are times when teacher failed to keep their personal or family matters only within their own environment. They want to burst out their anger in which they could not do at home hence showing anger towords a child in school

  122. Why child abuse happens in school?
    All the school have rules and regulations either private or government. The school authorities have to take care the students as long as they are in the schools. The reasons is can not be predicted. But it is happened due to discriminations in gender.

  123. Child abuse can happen in school maybe because of the authority's neclegance so the school should be very strict and alert when it comes to such act

  124. Child abause are
    Usually happens in school because of many reasons like lack of understanding the nature of a child, and fail to treat the child in right way, ignoring, or used inappropriate words , etc.

  125. Child abuse occurs in school:
    1. Children are out of sight of the parents.
    2. Physically close contact of boys and girls
    3. Taking advantage by the abuser to the weak child.

  126. It happens sometimes because of many reasons
    1.lack of passion and understanding of the teacher about the situation of the child from where he/she come as the child sometimes behave unmannerly.
    2.In some cases,the mindset in someone were different from a normal person or good person which can cause any abuse to the child under the age of 18 years.
    3.Sometimes teachers cannot control their temper because of the unsatisfied behavior of the child.

  127. Child abuse is happened mostly in school, due to lack of understanding the nature of a child , physically close contact of boys and girls and also gender discrimination.

  128. Child abuse occurs in the school due to gender differences, close contact with boys and girls and the abuser took advantage because the students are out of sight from their parents.

  129. Child abuse often occur in school due to lack of understanding in the society

  130. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse,a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.

  131. Child abuse can happen in school because of various reasons like taking the child for granted,maybe the childs belong to low background family,maybe the child is weak, maybe of gender discrimination an so on. And the main reason is that because the abuser have the bad behavior and bad intention towards the child.

  132. Child abuse can happen in school because of various reasons like taking the child for granted,maybe the child is belong from the low background family,maybe the child is weak,maybe of gender discrimination and so on. And the main reason is that because the abuser have the bad behavior and bad intention towards the child.

  133. Abuse and neglect can happen anywhere. The cause of Child Abuse happens in school might be due to the result from exposure to family violence or involvement in illegal or anti-social activities. It is also important to know that emotional abuse is almost always present when other forms of abuse occur and the effects of this form of abuse are not always immediate or visible.

  134. Child Abuse happens rampantly in school because the main reason is that we are living in a Perverse generation, now even small kids knows about sexual activity through media which exhibit explicitly. The other reasons probably because of Caste system, where the higher caste look down on the lower caste, they think they can do whatever they want like rape, eve teasing thinking that they can got away with it also because parents from poor families will not take a stand to fight . Even though child abuse is a crime be it school or anywhere but the sad reality is that the crime is on the rise.

  135. School is a place of learning,it should be a place where it's the safest for every child but then sometimes child abuse do take places in school.This could be because someone who is in power taking an advantage of his/her position and abuse.child either sexually or other kind of abuse it could also be that a child come from a weaker sections and facings harrasment that could be from anyone.

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. This happened when a child belong to weaker sections, or superiority complex of the other gender etc.

  138. Child abuse can happen everywhere but in school it happens due to unsafe environments, and due to presence of some people who make children their soft target and sometimes it happens due to lack of checking from the teachers and the authority and sometimes because of lack of awareness if it happens between children so hence maintaining good environment and awareness is important .

  139. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometime due to no proper guidance of parents.The main reason is that we are living Perverse generation,now even small kids know about sexual activity through media which exhibit explicitly.However,those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of child,whether the abuse is sexual,physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatising a child have life long consequences on a child.

  140. Child abuse is serious matter and often happens in school due to gender discrimination, economic inequalities, social safety nets and lack of sexual literacy and education.

  141. Child abuse is a difficult subject that can be hard to accept and even harder to talk about. The reasons why child abuse can take place in the school is because the school does not have a safe environment. The lack of vigilant committee, lack of awareness can cause child abuse in schools. Our mindsets are such that we think it is ONLY the parents duty to protect their own child. EVERYONE does not take or think its their responsibility to protect the children of others, thus there may be people who take advantage of this situation leading to child abuse in schools.

  142. Some children Abuse happen in the School is serious crime in our society gender discrimination.

  143. Some children Abuse happen in the School is serious crime in our society gender discrimination.

  144. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently especially in the school or institutions because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc. It should be totally remove from our society .

  145. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently because of various reasons like taking the children for granted maybe the children belong to weaker section, superiority complex of the other gender etc.It should be totally remove from our society.

  146. Child abuse is happened in school due to lack of proper counseling and also due to gender discrimination

  147. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently in schools and educational instituitions. Abuse after involves adults exploiting power over children and using children as objects for their own gratification rather than respecting their needs and rights as children.

  148. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc .It should be totally remove from our societ.
    Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to no proper guidance of parents,
    the main reason is that we are living in a Perverse generation, now even small kids knows about sexual activity through media which exhibit explicitly. The other reasons probably because of Caste system, where the higher caste look down on the lower caste, they think they can do whatever they want like rape, eve teasing thinking that they can got away with it also because parents from poor families will not take a stand to fight . Even though child abuse is a crime be it school or anywhere but the sad reality is that the crime is on the rise.

  149. Child abuse may happen in schools when there is no strict laws to regulate such acts if at all a situation arises. A school is an institution of teaching and learning and care should be given to every student as long as they are in school and therefore it is the responsibility of the school authorities to make sure that students are safe..

  150. Educators play a key role in protecting children from sexual abuse. They can build student supports for understanding and reporting abuse, and foster students’ safety by establishing and enforcing preventative policies and procedures in school settings. Understanding your role in the safety and support of children can help keep them safe from abuse.

  151. Child abuse happens because the child belong to the weaker section of society, so the individual gets the power to abuse the child.

  152. Child abuse happens in schools due to non-proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to non-proper guidance of the teachers and parents.

  153. Child abuse can be sexual, physical, mental and/or emotional abuse. The factors that lead to child abuse are very complex and are interwoven with other issues which are more difficult to detect and understand. Therefore the school needs to train its staff to protect children from abuses and also teach children on how to protect themselves.

  154. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently especially in the school or institutions because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc .It should be totally remove from our society .

  155. Child Abuse happens rampantly in school because the main reason is that we are living in a Perverse generation, now even small kids knows about sexual activity through media which exhibit explicitly. The other reasons probably because of Caste system, where the higher caste look down on the lower caste, they think they can do whatever they want like rape, eve teasing thinking that they can got away with it also because parents from poor families will not take a stand to fight . Even though child abuse is a crime be it school or anywhere but the sad reality is that the crime is on the rise

  156. Child abuse is a serious crime.This is due to gender discrimination

  157. Lack of proper guidance as a child they cannot judge it is r ight or wrong, so child abuse is very common. No love and attention for them. Mistreatment or neglect by an adult is arole of responsibility towards someone who is under 18 years of age.

  158. Child Abuse can happen anywhere even in the place we felt safe also. But this evil practise to happen in school,Is a very shameful and sad things which really hurt the sentiment of every stakeholders. The occurrence of such practice in school choke the air of safety of a child in school. However if we think deeply.I think this happen because of lack of awareness regarding sexual abuse in school. The victim of such crime does not sense a sound of belonging or care rather felt ashamed which led these crime to occurs or flourish.

  159. Child abuse not only happens at home but also in our school surroundings. Such abuse happens mainly because of gender discrimination, caste hierarchy and so on. Sometimes children are being abused just because of the hate between the parents. It is not fair for them to go through such pain at a very young age which in turn will affect their adult life.

  160. "Child abuse is extremely a serious crime"

  161. Child Abuse happens in school due to no proper safety of school environment.It also can be due to caste system or gender disparities.

  162. Child abuse happen in school due to the present of those people who think children are soft they won't able to speak up , no proper safety of school environment, maybe the child belong to weaker section, no proper guidance of parents, background of family and society.

  163. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to no proper guidance of parents.

  164. Child abuse happens in school due to lack of awareness and effective intervention for children who may be at risk of abuse or neglect.

    1. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometime due to no proper guidance of parents.The main reason is that we are living Perverse generation,now even small kids know about sexual activity through media which exhibit explicitly.However,those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of child,whether the abuse is sexual,physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatising a child have life long consequences on a child.

  165. Child abuse in school happen in school due to unsafe environment, in ability of the child to understand the situation, lack of communication etc.

  166. Child abuse is a serious crime sometime happen in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination .

  167. Child abuse happen in school due to unsafe environment, in ability of the child to understand the situation, lack of communication ,no proper guidance from the teacher and parents and lack of responsibilities of the school

  168. Child abuse is a serious crime sometime happen in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination.

  169. Child abuse happens in school nowadays its through media which exhibits explicitly eg.sexual activity.
    Sometimes its happen due to unsafety of school environment and lack of proper guidance of parents.

  170. Child abuse are popular and serious which can happened frequently because of many reasons like taking child for granted,weaker section. Child abuse should work out the act for protection of child from difference harassment. Therefore schools have a strong child protection by conducted personal or group safety education class for students and work along with the villagers and difference organization.

  171. Child abuse happened in school because of lack of self respect and morality, pornography, lack of proper guidance.

  172. Child abuse can happen in schools between a child and teacher or between peers. This can be for many reasons. Some may commit child abuse because of the likes. Some may commit by taking advantage because of smaller age. Unawareness between the peers and even the teachers about the rights and the Act of the child lead to Child abuse.

  173. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.
    Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently in the school or institutions.because of various reason. Sometimes, however, those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of a child,whether the abuse is sexual, physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatized a child and have life long consequences. This should be totally remove from our society.

  174. Child abuse in schools can take a number of different forms and be sexual, physical, emotional or mentally.
    Child abuse happens in school because:
    ▪️A child fully trust a teacher, other staff members or even pupils at the school which could lead to sexual abuse.
    ▪️Harsh physical punishment or corporal punishment by teachers,staff members or even pupils to any child.
    ▪️ Neglectfully by teachers towards children especially in the classroom.
    ▪️ Expectations that are far beyond what is appropriate to the child.
    ▪️ Persistent and extreme thwarting to a child by teachers with words or actions.


  175. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to no proper guidance of parents.

  176. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.

    Sometimes, however, those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of a child. Whether the abuse is sexual, physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatising for a child and have life-long consequences.

  177. Child abuse in the school have various reasons, It might be due to lack of awareness programmes on abuse or sometime by unsafely environmental education.

  178. Child abuse may happen in schools when there is no strict laws to regulate such acts if at all a situation arises. A school is an institution of teaching and learning and care should be given to every student as long as they are in school and therefore it is the responsibility of the school authorities to make sure that students are safe..

  179. Child abuse happens in school because some of us didn't understand who are children,what are their rights and needs and even there are those who takes advantage because of Child's shyness and weakness. And most of all because we have not love them as our children and siblings

  180. Child abuse in the school have various reasons, it might be due to lack of awareness programme in abuse or sometime by unsafely environmental education.

  181. Child abuse is a serious crime sometimes it happens in schools and society due to lack of proper guidance and lack of good environment.

  182. Child abuse happens in school due to lack of proper guidance and due to gender discrimination.

  183. Child abuse is the crime sometime it happen in school and society fue to the lack of proper guidance and lack of good environmental

  184. Child abuse happens in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment and sometimes due to no proper guidance of parents.

  185. Child abuse is happening in schools because the mind of the abuser is filled with things that cannot be expressed but shown to the one who cannot talk back to them. They express their emotional, mental, sexual, physical urge to the innocents. Thus, the school should checked of such personalities to avoid such mishap happening inside the classroom.

  186. Child abuse is a serious crime sometimes happen in school and in our society as a whole due to gender discrimination.

  187. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.
    Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently in the school or institutions.because of various reason. Sometimes, however, those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of a child,whether the abuse is sexual, physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatized a child and have life long consequences. This should be totally remove from our society.

  188. School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment.
    Sometimes, however, those in a position of trust abuse this position and take advantage of a child. Whether the abuse is sexual, physical or emotional this can be extremely traumatising for a child and have life-long consequences.
    Child abuse in schools can take a number of different forms and be sexual, physical and/or emotional. Abusers can be:
    • A person in a position of trust, such as a teacher
    • Other staff members
    • Pupils at the school

  189. Child abuse happen in school because of defferent in cast,trbes communities of the children. Even teacher also they neglect the CSA. Therefore nowadays all schools must have the CCTV in the school to protect the child from their rights.

  190. Child abuse is a serious crime which happens frequently because of various reason like taking the child for granted,may be the child belong to weaker section,superiority complex of the other gender etc .It should be totally remove from our society .

  191. Child abuse is serious crime sometime it happen in school and in our society as whole because the present of gender discrimination.

  192. Child abuse happen in school sometimes due to no proper safety of school environment. The school should create a safe learning environment, identify pupils if any suffering they should take suitable action. For this reason it is the responsibility of the school.

  193. Child abuse happen in school because of
    Misunderstanding between the two, the teacher and student, partiality of the teacher and irresponsibility as well as careless of the child


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