In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias.
With the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
With the converse the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometime it happen I school .we have to implemented in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 ,12,2012.
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias.
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts to prevent child abuse. The protection of children from sexual offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. The Act came into force with effect from 14th November,2012 and thereafter the Rules were formed for easy implementation of the act.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:- 1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse. 2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime. 3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with. 4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. 5. Schools should raise students with good manners. 6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. 7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
Child sexual abusers say that they mostly abuse children who are the most vulnerable and the most available to them. Often it has very little to do with how physically attractive the child is to the abuser. They look for children who appear isolated, sad, or in need of a friend. There are two things that will always be part of a child sexual abuser's routine: isolation and silencing children. Child sexual abusers will nearly always try to isolate a child from other adults. Child sexual abusers will always try to make the child keep the abuse a secret. If a child does tell, they may do so in a 'round about' way. Be alert and listen carefully to children.
With the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
The integration of vocational education from an early stage of schooling will help the learners in understanding as well as experiencing learning about different trades and occupations based on their skills.This process of learning will help them for future employment opportunities
School should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
School can play a vital role in protection of students from child abuse.As schools is a place with responsibility of making students safe and free from creating a safe learning environment identify students who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action.The school also need to train staff for child protection.
School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by sticking big a Notice about the Court oder and Punishments regarding the Child Sexual Abuse. And also to be written and announced that if any act are committed by any of the accuse then the school won't take any of the responsibilities and would allow the law to handle any of the needing.
The school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
The school is responsible for keeping child safe from harm and abuse . The school should created a safe learning environment. The school also needs to train staff in child protection .
School can play a vital role in spreading awareness about child sexual abuse.Organising programme, consultation,group discussion with both boys and girls making them aware and understand what sexual abuse is and giving them the confidence to report any incident.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:- 1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse. 2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime. 3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with. 4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. 5. Schools should raise students with good manners. 6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. 7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse are :- 1) Teachers are truly a strong emotional support to children subjected to abuse. Children confide in their teachers more than their parents. Teachers and counsellors can educate children to protect themselves from abuse. 2) The school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-duited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse. 3) Schools play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse in many ways. Since the students spend most of their time on school it becomes our responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy environment to them. We also can take up some important steps inorder for prevention of (CSA) for example, spreading awareness on the topic could help children understand, doing group discussion without hesitancy including both genders, observing a child in terms of falling of grade,beahavioual changes etc.
As we are aware of that school is the second home for the children.It is our prime duty to prepare them for every challenges .Giving proper guidance and knowledge to meet all the challenges comes to them and face with courage.Some children can't disclose their problems for such kind of students drop box should be available.Each children should be encourage to raise the voice against abuser.Awareness program should be conducted monthwise to give them knowledge. .
In our school the child friendly environment should be created to protect the child from any kind of sexual abuses by cratering the ways to get instant feedback from the victim regarding the said situation that may be happened out of unpredictability are to provide a complaint letter box in front of school building, to create awareness to the children and to report the abuser(s) to the concerned authority and we have to take inquiry towards a child who seems to be disappointed, frightened and behavioural changes to find out the reasons which may be a part of sexual abuses.
In our school the child friendly environment should be created to protect the child from any kind of sexual abuses by cratering the ways to get instant feedback from the victim regarding the said situation that may be happened out of unpredictability are to provide a complaint letter box in front of school building, to create awareness to the children and to report the abuser(s) to the concerned authority and we have to take inquiry towards a child who seems to be disappointed, frightened and behavioural changes to find out the reasons which may be a part of sexual abuses.
School can provide safety to children by having a proper fencing in a compound. Teacher should never allow students to go alone to toilet or play alone in the school compound
Schools play a vital role in the prevention of CSA and it is the role of the teachers to see that the children are safe and protected. The curriculum implemented in the school should be such that it provides educational intervention for prevention of CSA .It should help improve the teachers' and students' knowledge, skills and attitudes on disclosure, identification and reporting of CSA.
Every school should have an awareness program every now and then, the program should highlights about the different kind of sexual abuse that a child could possibly facing. They should know and understand that every abuse is bad, no matter where they are facing it, at home at school or anywhere in between these two. Every child should understand that it's never their fault, even if it is a family member or a teacher, a friend or a stranger. The moment they faced this grave situation, they should inform an elder, not one but keep telling it again and again till someone do something about it. The school authorities should be very friendly with a child so that they can trust them then they'll share their problems.
The school plays an important role in preventing sexual abuse.The same can be prevented by 1:Generating awareness via workshops/short videos on gender sensitivity. 2:Having open discussion on the topics. 3:Appointing peer educators. 4:By having frequent sessions with the school counsellor 5:By installing CCTV cameras in every nook and corner of the building and checking it frequently. 6:By placing a complaint/suggestion box.
Schools can invite the representative from childline center and also the women committee or people who are experts in teaching sex education inorder to prevent sexual abuse.
The role of schools becomes very significant in containing the menace. The role of the school :the first step is empowerment. Second, school can do a lot to bring about awareness by engaging the stakeholders, particularly parents. Third, sensitization of senior class students should be made part of regular school activities. Lastly, keeping a hawk's eye on their activities is a binding duty of every teacher.
Schools plays a very important role in the life of the students, school can mould the children behaviour into a good and productive citizen. School through teachers can organise awareness programmes for the education about child abuse, teach the students about the different rules and act implemented by the government to punish the offence, teach the children to respect each other and also encourage the students to come forward to report any thing which they found odd in the behaviour and touch of any people and not to fear any one
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse by providing awareness to teaching and non teaching staff and parents, creating safe spaces for disclosure,open discussion on gender, child sexual abuse and self defence, providing awareness to children on safe and unsafe touch,doing regular safety audit of schools and teaching students to have knowledge on the implementation of different rules and acts passed by the government like the POSCO Act,2012 and its punishment towards the offenders and abusers .
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
January 1, 2021 at 12:19 AM With the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
The role of school becomes very significant in containing the menace in fact, teacher have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in school
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse. The school is a place with responsibility of making students safe and free from abuse by creating a safe learning environment especially where both boys and girls should have a mutual understanding and respect to each others, conducting awareness programs related to child abuse. The school should display the POCSO Act 2012 in the school's message board.
In this programme teacher is the most responsible to protect to avoid such incidents from school and have to give awareness programme related to child abuse and POCSO ACT2021
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse some student may be sad Or have mixed feelings, teacher who the student is openly they can console them.
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
School play a vital role by organising some awareness programmes in related to child abuse so they can meet all the challenges comes to them and face with courage.
School plays an important role regarding child sexual abuse by making awareness programme in the school about the pocso act 2012 and encourage child to reveal the problems.
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
The schools can play vital roles in the prevention of child sexual abuse. In the school itself awareness about the forms of abuses can be spread among the students. The teachers can also be trained to look out for the signs of abuses among the students. The teacher counceler can also talk with students in certain cases when the child is not ready to talk about it.
With the converse the number of child sexual abuse in very sphere of life sometimes it happen in school. The government passed the bill like POSCO on 14,12,2012.
The school is the one institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many school are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of a child abuse.
School play a vital role by organising awareness programmes in related to child sexual abuse.So they can meet all the challanges comes to them and face with courage.
Child sexual abuse occurs more frequently especially in our country,this happens because of ignorance and lack of knowledge.So the school must play the important role in this by organising awareness program of how to stop this manace.
School can take the following Preventive measures – 1. Creating safe spaces for disclosure. 2. Complaint/Suggestion box in school for children to submit the written complaints about sexual abuse. 3. Providing awareness to teaching & non-teaching staff and parents. 4. Open Discussions on Gender, Child Sexual Abuse, Self Defense. 5. Child Protection Policy is a must including safe recruitment policy. 6. Providing awareness to Children on Online safety, Online grooming, safe and unsafe touch. 7. Doing regular safety audits of schools including of staff, infrastructure.
School plays a vital role in preventing of child sexual abuse by conducting awareness programs in this regard, keen observation of the child behavior in school, encourage the child to speak out if they face any problem, report to the concern authority if there is any such cases.
School plays a vital role in preventing of child sexual abuse by conducting awareness programs in this regard, keen observation of the child behavior in school, encourage the child to speak out if they face any problem, report to the concern authority if there is any such cases.
Since students spends more quality time in school so therefore their confidence and response towards the teachers will be more than to others. Therefore school can prevent CSA by giving awareness to students through awareness programs,inviting counselors and experts to give informations and advice about CSA. This will encourage students to speak out about their situations and we can also build confidence in them that there are people who care and concern about their well-being.
In order to respond to various child sexual abuse in schools the school authority has to keep a very strong policies against this act.The children should be tought how to defend themselves and they should know the fact. Encourage emotional regulation. Parents should educate their children.Trust intuition and report The problem to authorize people.Above all let everyone be a trusted adults.
With the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
School is the second home and teachers are the second parents of it's the duty of every teacher to give and guide them for securing their lives from abusers.
School can play a vital role for the prevention of child sexual abuse by conducting . . .awareness programme . encourage the child to speak and inform the school head . school head should take action on it . Children should also be free to tell their parents about it so that they can inform the school to take action on the person who abuse a child However,the government have implement and passed the pocso act on 14 december 2012 they can inform the concern authority for the prevention and protection of child sexual abuse.
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by sticking big a Notice about the Court oder and Punishments regarding the Child Sexual Abuse. And also to be written and announced that if any act are committed by any of the accuse then the school won't take any of the responsibilities and would allow the law to handle any of the needing.
Schools can: Develop policy and procedures to identify possible child abuse and respond appropriately (links provided below) Learn - Learn about how sexual abusers operate (information below) Notice - Notice people's behaviours around children (no matter how much you like or trust them) Act - Act if you see or are told something that might be unsafe. Professional Confidential support is available for you to discuss your concerns.
School is a second home for every child and teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in school. By organised awareness programme in school and empowering children to raise voice against any such incident in order to prevent children from any kind of abuse.
School can play a vital role in spreading awareness about child sexual abuse.Organising programme, consultation,group discussion with both boys and girls making them aware and understand what sexual abuse is and giving them the confidence to report any incident.
In response to the diverse number of Child Sexual Abuse prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts,this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understanding required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
The school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
Child abuse in general and sexual abuse in particular is such a complex problem that no one sector of society can tackle it singlehandedly. Cooperation between school personnel and child protective services workers is vital, but the roles and authority of both organizations must be clearly understood before a collaborative relationship can develop. Designating a liaison person to provide continuity between these two organizations is one way of increasing mutual understanding.
More schools are participating in community child protection teams, which many view as a "key to effective management of child abuse".Teams consist of relevant specialists such as educators, social workers, doctors, lawyers, police, and mental health professionals who work together in the areas of coordination, type of team effort serves as "a 'risk management tool,' which serves to decrease the chances of error when encountering child abuse, because decision making is shared and second opinions are built into the framework of responding,"
Although schools have a key role to play in the fight against abuse, we should not forget that the problem must be confronted on many levels. Ultimately, the greatest challenge may lie in attempting to alter social attitudes and conditions that foster or tolerate the sexual abuse of children.
School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
School should organise an awareness program me to prevent from child sexual abuse. Although schools have a key role to play in the fight against abuse, we should not forget that the problem must be confronted in many levels.
Schools can pay a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse by stick a big notice about the court order and punishment regarding the child sexual abuse. And also to be written and announce that if any act are committed by any of the accuse then the school won't take any responsibilitiesany would allow the law to handle any of the needing.
School should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse. So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
School can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse here are some points: 1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse. 2. School should raise students with good manners. 3. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each others. Sarkidaroy Suchiang
The role of school in preventing child sexual abuse by... *Providing awareness to teaching and non_ teaching staff and parents. * Creating safe space for disclosure * Discussion on gender, child sexual abuse, self defense *Providing awareness to children on online safety.
The school is the one social institutions outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent ongoing contact ,so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse schools should raise students with good manners.
With the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
School should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse. The school is a place with responsibility of making students safe and free from abuse by creating a safe learning environment especially where both boys and girls should have a mutual respect to each other, conducting awareness programme related to child abuse. The school should display the POCSO Act in the school's message board
School should organise an awareness programme which relate to child sexual is the second home of children where children should be safe and protected
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:- 1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse. 2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime. 3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with. 4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. 5. Schools should raise students with good manners. 6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. 7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any
School can play a vital role in spreading awareness about child sexual abuse.Organising programme, consultation,group discussion with both boys and girls making them aware and understand what sexual abuse is and giving them the confidence to report any incident.
Schools can play a vital role in this matter concerning with child abuse..The school authorities along with the teachers can also conduct a counselling session in order to help the students of being aware of such activities of child abuse...Programmes can also be conducted to help students in understanding about this issue and also highlighting the POCSO Act,..its importance and the different preventive measures....
The school can play an important role. By paying attention to small details that the children might want to share. Enforce rigid rules and policies and also keeping security camera in every corner
Schools plays a very important role in the life of the students, school can mould the children behaviour into a good and productive citizen. School through teachers can organise awareness programmes for the education about child abuse, teach the students about the different rules and act implemented by the government to punish the offence, teach the children to respect each other and also encourage the students to come forward to report any thing which they found odd in the behaviour and touch of any people and not to fear any one
School has the responsibility to educate all stakeholders about child development, child safety and how to create the right environment for children to feel safe. The school must: 1. Have a strong child protection policy. 2. Conduct training programmes for its staff on child safety. 3. Conduct safety education classes for the students. 4. Teach the parents on child safety, and support them with parenting and issues related to their children. 5. Work with child safety experts, NGOs and other external stakeholders.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by : a. Creating a safe school environment. b. Conducting awareness program C.give proper training d. Develop mutual respect for one another e. Avoid of using inappropriate words, picture Wich will affect the child
Oganise awareness program on sexual abuse in the school. Give them a good counseling about sexual abuse, organise a self defend program in the school, it must be a good moral life of the teachers and the students in the school.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse by applying the rules and regulations given by the government to protect against child abuse and also to conduct awareness program about child abuse to aware the parents and students.
School can be play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse through oganise child awareness programs.1 School should instil in students that sexual abuse is a heinous crime. 2 School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
With the converse the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school. If this case has arise we have to implement in the child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention program in the country. The government passed the bill like PICSO on 14-12-2012.
teacher facilitators can and do play a vital role too. A child comes in direct and close contact with teachers for a considerable duration each day. ... Everyone should aim for a society that is free of child abuse and aspire for a world that is free of any exploitation of children. The school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
With the converse the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happen in school. If this case arise we have to implement in the child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention program in the country. The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14-12-2012.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:- 1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse. 2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime. 3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with. 4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. 5. Schools should raise students with good manners. 6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. 7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programes currently implemented in school contect,this paper examine key consideration for selecting such initiative and the multiplicity of understanding required to inform facilitation of contextually relavant prevention curriculum, punishment for the doer should be taken with out any bias.
In response to the diverse number of Child Sexual Abuse prevention and awareness programs currently implemented in school contexts,this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understanding required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse .In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse(CSA)prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts to prevent child abuse.The protection of the children from sexual offences (POCSO)Act,2012.The Act came into force with effect from 14th Nov,2012 and thereafter the Rules were formed for easy implementation of the act.
School can play vital role to prevent the child sexual abuse with the following some steps(1) awareness programs on child sexual abuse. (2)creation of environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect. (3)by postering of different act of child abuse so that child can know about act (4)punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias under POCSO ACT 2012
School can play a vital role in the prevention of child sextual abuse by sharing and talk with emphathy,school should have a complaint box,so that the children can write a complaint letter against the abuser,teachers must check regularly and when they found inform immediately Childlike 1098,
A school is a place where children spend most of their time and it is where we lay the foundation for good, healthy habits. Schools can thus play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse. (1)The school can create awareness about sexual abuse by putting up posters around the school campus . (2)Encourage staff and students to develop healthy and respectful relationships skills (3)Teach students sexual violence prevention and talk to students about a Good touch and a Bad touch (4)Develop policy and procedures to identify possible child sexual abuse and respond appropriately.
Schools can play a vital role in thepthe of child sexual abuse. •School can create awareness about sexual abuse by putting up posters around the school campus . •Encourage staff and students to develop healthy and respectful relationships skills. •Teach students about violence prevention and talk to students about a Good touch and a Bad touch. •Develop policy and procedures to identify possible child sexual abuse and respond appropriately.
School should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse.So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
The school is the one social instituition outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent,ongoing contact.Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today,many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
School plays a role in helping who is sexually abuse in case there were teachers that children can be open up to.
With the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012. Child sexual abusers will always try to make the child keep the abuse a secret ,punishment should be taken without any bias.Be alert and listen carefully to children.
School should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse. So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse by conducting awareness programme relating to sexual abuse,by creating a safe environment where both boys and girls respect each other,by training staff and teachers to protect children.
School should have a strict rules when it comes to preventing child abuse. They should conduct an awareness programme where students respect each other despite the gender differences. And also the knowledge they need to know in order to stay away when such circumstances happens.
The role of schools becomes very significant in containing the sexual menace. In fact, teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. As the principal of a school, I feel strongly about the safety of the students committed to our care.
The role of schools becomes very significant in containing the sexual menace. In fact, teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. As the principal of a school, I feel strongly about the safety of the students committed to our care.
The role of schools becomes very significant in containing the sexual menace. In fact, teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. As the principal of a school, I feel strongly about the safety of the students committed to our care.
School can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse. Organising programmes group discussion councelling with the students will make them become aware of child abuse. In addition the school can create a friendly environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other. Ps
Schools play a vital role in the prevention of CSA and it is the role of the teachers to see that the children are safe and protected. The curriculum implemented in the school should be such that it provides educational intervention for prevention of CSA .It should help improve the teachers' and students' knowledge, skills and attitudes on disclosure, identification and reporting of CSA.
With the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
School can play vital role in the prevention of child sexual Abuse. School should be the place to growth physically, rationally and spiritually. Thus being so, school through its various stakeholders play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual Abuse.How, through awareness education about sexual Abuse, its elements and sign. Hence school can furnish children of how, when and why they should react to such evil practise if they may/ have/ had experience they should be brave to face it and expose the doer
School became very significant in containing the menace. In fact teachers have long been strong pillar of emotional support for children in school protection is made more participative by empowering the children's to raise voice against any such incident.
The integration of vocational education from an early stage of schooling will help the learners in understanding as well as experiencing learning about different trades and occupations based on their skills.This process of learning will help them for future employment opportunities
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:- 1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse. 2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime. 3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with. 4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. 5. Schools should raise students with good manners. 6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. 7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse
The role of schools becomes very significant in containing the menace.In fact, teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools.As the principal of a school,I feel strongly about the safety of the students committed to our care. The first step is empowerment. Second step school can do a lot to bring about awareness by engaging the stakeholders, particularly parents Third step is sensitization of senior class students should be made part of regular school activities. Lastly, teacher facilitator can, a do and play a vital role
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
Teacher in school play a vital role in protection of child sexual abuse,by organising awareness program and providing good counsellors for both boys and girls.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:- 1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse. 2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime. 3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with. 4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. 5. Schools should raise students with good manners.
In order to prevent child's sexual abuse...School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other. Conducting awareness programme which relate with child sexual abuse.
School can play an important role in preventing child's sexual abuse by keeping children safe from any kind of abuses,a vigilant from the part of teachers ,parents and community can promote safety for the children.
Child asexual abuse CSA are the head line in this days schools are not only Imparted education but to organized different awareness program should be implemented in schools context for selected Initiative and multiple understanding of contextual relevant protection curriculum to educated and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
School played a vital role in the prevention of child abuse: teachers beings the 2nd parents to students needs to impart and inspired students how to take care of ones own self and respect one another. We have moral class which is a very important subject, to help, guide and make students aware that we are a wonderful creatures of God,who are created with mind and intelligence to differentiate between right and wrong. Organised awareness program asking the help from childline team.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse by creating an awareness about how to protect themselves from being sexually abused through school -based prevention programs,cooperation of school personnel and child protective service workers and participating in community child protection teams.
For the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse the school should: ▪️ Create a safe and healthy environment,and respect to to one another. ▪️ Conduct an awareness programme for students, teachers, other staff members as well as parents. ▪️To display posters in the school campus regarding Child Sexual Abuse, which act as an awareness to children. ▪️ Conduct teachers and staff members on child safety.
n response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts to prevent child abuse. The protection of children from sexual offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. The Act came into force with effect from 14th November,2012 and thereafter the Rules were formed for easy implementation of the act
School should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment .
Every child has the right to a full and productive life. It is up to all of us to ensure our children grow up in the environments that build confidence, friendship, security and happiness, irrespective their family circumstances or backgrounds. Keeping children safe from harm requires a vigilant and informed community.
To pave effective ways to prevent child abuse in schools, we need to set up a well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments and assertive in taking actions. Schools and educational institutions have a great role to play in it as they not only render learning and education, but also ensure children’s safety and protection as priority. So, it is essential that parents, teachers and educators working with children and young people are able to understand the role each plays in protecting children.
Schools play a vital role in the prevention of CSA and it is the role of the teachers to see that the children are safe and protected. The curriculum implemented in the school should be such that it provides educational intervention for prevention of CSA .It should help improve the teachers' and students' knowledge, skills and attitudes on disclosure, identification and reporting of CSA.
Child sexual abusers say that they mostly abuse children who are the most vulnerable and the most available to them. Often it has very little to do with how physically attractive the child is to the abuser. They look for children who appear isolated, sad, or in need of a friend. There are two things that will always be part of a child sexual abuser's routine: isolation and silencing children. Child sexual abusers will nearly always try to isolate a child from other adults. Child sexual abusers will always try to make the child keep the abuse a secret. If a child does tell, they may do so in a 'round about' way. Be alert and listen carefully to children
School can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by: A) Creat a safe school environment. B) Conduct awareness programme for teachers, parents and students. C) Work with child safety experts( childline), NGOs and other external stakeholders.
The school is responsible for keeping children safe .The school should create a safe learning environment and create awareness program on sexual abuse.
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias.
School can play a vital role in the prevention of child sextual abuse by sharing and talk with emphathy,school should have a complaint box,so that the children can write a complaint letter against the abuser,teachers must check regularly and when they found inform immediately Childlike 1098.
A school is a place where children spend most of their time and it is where we lay the foundation for good, healthy habits. Schools can thus play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse. (1)The school can create awareness about sexual abuse by putting up posters around the school campus . (2)Encourage staff and students to develop healthy and respectful relationships skills (3)Teach students sexual violence prevention and talk to students about a Good touch and a Bad touch
School can play a vital role in protection of students from child abuse. As school is a place with responsibility of making students safe and free from creating a safe learning environment identify students who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action.The school also need to train staff for child protection.
School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse have been implemented in all school. The government has also passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012 for the prevention of child sexual abuse in school.
School can play a vital role to prevent child sexual abuse, here are some points, 1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse and POCSO act 2012. should raise students with good manners in their daily life. 3. School conduct students should not objectified the opposite sex as object s only to be play with.
Protection is made more participative by empowering the children to raise their voices against any such incidents. Schools can doba lot to bring about awareness by engaging the parents and sensitising senior students.
1. Develop a child protection policy. 2. Develop code of conduct for employees. 3. Ensure mental health support is provided to students. 4. Look for signs of child abuse. 5. Develop a comprehensive reporting mechanism that is accessible, confidential, secure and effective.
1. Develop a child protection policy. 2. Develop code of conduct for employees. 3. Ensure mental health support is provided to students. 4. Look for signs of child abuse. 5. Develop a comprehensive reporting mechanism that is accessible, confidential, secure and effective.
School can play a vital role to prevent child Sexual abuse .some points are as follows should conduct awareness programmes related child Sexual Abuse. 2.Organise a counseling class once in a week to help children know and understand about child Sexual Abuse 3.SMC members should surprisingly visit School and make sure that all the staffs are not the ones that abuse any child 4.If possible school should have CCTV
Prevention of child sexual abuse in school is very important teacher needs to know well about this paper especially the rules and ammendment Act related to CSA for example like POCSO Act 2012. should take awareness programme frequently. 2.Teachers should teach good manners to children 3.Teachers should tell good and bad touch to children 4.School should compulsory have cctv cameras in campus specially in washroom.
With regard to the diverse number of Child Sexual Abuse CSA prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerate for selection such initiative and the multiplicity of understanding required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias.
Teacher facilitators can and do a vital role too.a child comes indirect and close contact with teachers for a considerable duration each day.everyone should aims for a society that is free of child abuse and aspire for world that is free of any exploitation of children.
The school has a huge responsibility to safeguard the children from sexual abuse. This can be done by organising programmes to both the students and also the parents, make each of them aware of the cruel prey around them and not to trust anybody. During classes teachers can give lessons and morals on this topic every now and then.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:- 1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse. 2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime. 3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with. 4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. 5. Schools should raise students with good manners. 6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. 7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual
With the converse the number of child sexual abuse in every share of life sometsometime it happen in school.We have to implemented in the context to prevent the child abuse through organization child awareness program.
School should conduct the awareness program with related to Child sexual abuse. School should instill in students that sexual abuse is a crime. School should have a self defence class of martial arts for girls.
During COVID-19, how did you remain in touch with your students? What major changes did you introduce in your teaching? Share your experiences. Take a moment to reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
Share how art integrated learning experience can benefit students in meaningful learning of your subjects. Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
Think of an advertisement that reinforces gender stereotypes and another advertisement that is gender friendly. You may copy and paste the link of the advertisement video. Take a moment to Reflect and post your comment in the comment box.
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias.
ReplyDeleteWith the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
ReplyDeleteWith the converse the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometime it happen I school .we have to implemented in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 ,12,2012.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias
DeleteIn response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts to prevent child abuse. The protection of children from sexual offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. The Act came into force with effect from 14th November,2012 and thereafter the Rules were formed for easy implementation of the act.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse through organise child awareness program.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:-
ReplyDelete1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime.
3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with.
4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's.
5. Schools should raise students with good manners.
6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse.
7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
Child sexual abusers say that they mostly abuse children who are the most vulnerable and the most available to them. Often it has very little to do with how physically attractive the child is to the abuser. They look for children who appear isolated, sad, or in need of a friend. There are two things that will always be part of a child sexual abuser's routine: isolation and silencing children. Child sexual abusers will nearly always try to isolate a child from other adults. Child sexual abusers will always try to make the child keep the abuse a secret. If a child does tell, they may do so in a 'round about' way. Be alert and listen carefully to children.
ReplyDeleteSchool plays a role in helping who is sexually abuse in case there were teachers that children can be open up to
ReplyDeleteWith the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
ReplyDeleteSchool is a second home for.the children. So as a teacher it's our right to protect the child and prevent from abuser
ReplyDeleteThe integration of vocational education from an early stage of schooling will help the learners in understanding as well as experiencing learning about different trades and occupations based on their skills.This process of learning will help them for future employment opportunities
DeleteSchool play a vital role regarding child abuse through awareness programme
ReplyDeleteIn in this program teacher is the most responsible to protect to avoid such incident from school and have to give awareness program
DeleteSchool is a second home for.the children. So as a teacher it's our right to protect the child and prevent from abuser
ReplyDeleteIn this programme teacher is the most responsible to protect to avoid such incidents from school and have to give awareness programme.
ReplyDeleteSchool should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in protection of students from child abuse.As schools is a place with responsibility of making students safe and free from creating a safe learning environment identify students who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action.The school also need to train staff for child protection.
ReplyDeleteSchool should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by sticking big a Notice about the Court oder and Punishments regarding the Child Sexual Abuse. And also to be written and announced that if any act are committed by any of the accuse then the school won't take any of the responsibilities and would allow the law to handle any of the needing.
ReplyDeleteThe school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
ReplyDeleteThe school is responsible for keeping child safe from harm and abuse . The school should created a safe learning environment. The school also needs to train staff in child protection .
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in spreading awareness about child sexual abuse.Organising programme, consultation,group discussion with both boys and girls making them aware and understand what sexual abuse is and giving them the confidence to report any incident.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:-
ReplyDelete1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime.
3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with.
4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's.
5. Schools should raise students with good manners.
6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse.
7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse are :-
ReplyDelete1) Teachers are truly a strong emotional support to children subjected to abuse. Children confide in their teachers more than their parents. Teachers and counsellors can educate children to protect themselves from abuse.
2) The school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-duited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
3) Schools play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse in many ways. Since the students spend most of their time on school it becomes our responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy environment to them. We also can take up some important steps inorder for prevention of (CSA) for example, spreading awareness on the topic could help children understand, doing group discussion without hesitancy including both genders, observing a child in terms of falling of grade,beahavioual changes etc.
As we are aware of that school is the second home for the children.It is our prime duty to prepare them for every challenges .Giving proper guidance and knowledge to meet all the challenges comes to them and face with courage.Some children can't disclose their problems for such kind of students drop box should be available.Each children should be encourage to raise the voice against abuser.Awareness program should be conducted monthwise to give them knowledge.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse through organise child awareness program.
ReplyDeleteIt can be protected by organising child awareness programme in schools.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse through organized child awareness program.
ReplyDeleteIn our school the child friendly environment should be created to protect the child from any kind of sexual abuses by cratering the ways to get instant feedback from the victim regarding the said situation that may be happened out of unpredictability are to provide a complaint letter box in front of school building, to create awareness to the children and to report the abuser(s) to the concerned authority and we have to take inquiry towards a child who seems to be disappointed, frightened and behavioural changes to find out the reasons which may be a part of sexual abuses.
ReplyDeleteIn our school the child friendly environment should be created to protect the child from any kind of sexual abuses by cratering the ways to get instant feedback from the victim regarding the said situation that may be happened out of unpredictability are to provide a complaint letter box in front of school building, to create awareness to the children and to report the abuser(s) to the concerned authority and we have to take inquiry towards a child who seems to be disappointed, frightened and behavioural changes to find out the reasons which may be a part of sexual abuses.
ReplyDeleteSchool can provide safety to children by having a proper fencing in a compound. Teacher should never allow students to go alone to toilet or play alone in the school compound
ReplyDeleteSchool can organize awareness about child abuse and also the POSCO act 2012.
ReplyDeleteOrganised awareness about child abuse in school.
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in the prevention of CSA and it is the role of the teachers to see that the children are safe and protected. The curriculum implemented in the school should be such that it provides educational intervention for prevention of CSA .It should help improve the teachers' and students' knowledge, skills and attitudes on disclosure, identification and reporting of CSA.
ReplyDeleteEvery school should have an awareness program every now and then, the program should highlights about the different kind of sexual abuse that a child could possibly facing. They should know and understand that every abuse is bad, no matter where they are facing it, at home at school or anywhere in between these two. Every child should understand that it's never their fault, even if it is a family member or a teacher, a friend or a stranger. The moment they faced this grave situation, they should inform an elder, not one but keep telling it again and again till someone do something about it. The school authorities should be very friendly with a child so that they can trust them then they'll share their problems.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in the prevention of CSA by organizing child awareness programmes
ReplyDeleteThe school plays an important role in preventing sexual abuse.The same can be prevented by
ReplyDelete1:Generating awareness via workshops/short videos on gender sensitivity.
2:Having open discussion on the topics.
3:Appointing peer educators.
4:By having frequent sessions with the school counsellor
5:By installing CCTV cameras in every nook and corner of the building and checking it frequently.
6:By placing a complaint/suggestion box.
Schools can invite the representative from childline center and also the women committee or people who are experts in teaching sex education inorder to prevent sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool can organize awareness program and have open discussion on the topic
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse through organised child awareness program.
ReplyDeleteThe role of schools becomes very significant in containing the menace. The role of the school :the first step is empowerment. Second, school can do a lot to bring about awareness by engaging the stakeholders, particularly parents. Third, sensitization of senior class students should be made part of regular school activities. Lastly, keeping a hawk's eye on their activities is a binding duty of every teacher.
ReplyDeleteSchools plays a very important role in the life of the students, school can mould the children behaviour into a good and productive citizen. School through teachers can organise awareness programmes for the education about child abuse, teach the students about the different rules and act implemented by the government to punish the offence, teach the children to respect each other and also encourage the students to come forward to report any thing which they found odd in the behaviour and touch of any people and not to fear any one
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse by providing awareness to teaching and non teaching staff and parents, creating safe spaces for disclosure,open discussion on gender, child sexual abuse and self defence, providing awareness to children on safe and unsafe touch,doing regular safety audit of schools and teaching students to have knowledge on the implementation of different rules and acts passed by the government like the POSCO Act,2012 and its punishment towards the offenders and abusers .
ReplyDeleteSchool play a vital role by organising awareness programmes related to child abuse and POCSO act 2012
ReplyDeleteIn response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
ReplyDeleteJanuary 1, 2021 at 12:19 AM
ReplyDeleteWith the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
The role of school becomes very significant in containing the menace in fact, teacher have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in school
ReplyDeleteIn response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
ReplyDeleteSchool play a vital role by organising awareness programmes related to child abuse and POCSO act 2012
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse. The school is a place with responsibility of making students safe and free from abuse by creating a safe learning environment especially where both boys and girls should have a mutual understanding and respect to each others, conducting awareness programs related to child abuse. The school should display the POCSO Act 2012 in the school's message board.
ReplyDeleteIn this programme teacher is the most responsible to protect to avoid such incidents from school and have to give awareness programme related to child abuse and POCSO ACT2021
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse some student may be sad Or have mixed feelings, teacher who the student is openly they can console them.
ReplyDeleteFirst thing awareness program should be conducted in schools.second strict rule should be implemented in schools.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
ReplyDeleteSchool play a vital role by organising some awareness programmes in related to child abuse so they can meet all the challenges comes to them and face with courage.
ReplyDeleteSchool plays a role in helping who is sexually abuse in case there were teachers that children can be open up to
ReplyDeleteSchool plays an important role regarding child sexual abuse by making awareness programme in the school about the pocso act 2012 and encourage child to reveal the problems.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
ReplyDeleteThe schools can play vital roles in the prevention of child sexual abuse. In the school itself awareness about the forms of abuses can be spread among the students. The teachers can also be trained to look out for the signs of abuses among the students. The teacher counceler can also talk with students in certain cases when the child is not ready to talk about it.
With the converse the number of child sexual abuse in very sphere of life sometimes it happen in school. The government passed the bill like POSCO on 14,12,2012.
ReplyDeleteThe school is the one institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many school are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of a child abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool play a vital role by organising awareness programmes in related to child sexual abuse.So they can meet all the challanges comes to them and face with courage.
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in the prevention of C S A and it is the role of the teacher to see that the children are safe and protected.
ReplyDeleteChild sexual abuse occurs more frequently especially in our country,this happens because of ignorance and lack of knowledge.So the school must play the important role in this by organising awareness program of how to stop this manace.
ReplyDeleteSchool can take the following Preventive measures –
ReplyDelete1. Creating safe spaces for disclosure.
2. Complaint/Suggestion box in school for children to submit the written complaints about sexual abuse.
3. Providing awareness to teaching & non-teaching staff and parents.
4. Open Discussions on Gender, Child Sexual Abuse, Self Defense.
5. Child Protection Policy is a must including safe recruitment policy.
6. Providing awareness to Children on Online safety, Online grooming, safe and unsafe touch.
7. Doing regular safety audits of schools including of staff, infrastructure.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSchool plays a vital role in preventing of child sexual abuse by conducting awareness programs in this regard, keen observation of the child behavior in school, encourage the child to speak out if they face any problem, report to the concern authority if there is any such cases.
ReplyDeleteSchool plays a vital role in preventing of child sexual abuse by conducting awareness programs in this regard, keen observation of the child behavior in school, encourage the child to speak out if they face any problem, report to the concern authority if there is any such cases.
ReplyDeleteSchool can played a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by making a awareness program of sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchools can:
ReplyDelete• Develop policy and procedures to identify possible child abuse and respond appropriately (links provided below)
• Learn - Learn about how sexual abusers operate information below)
• Notice - Notice people's behaviours around children (no matter how much you like or trust them)
• Act - Act if you see or are told something that might be unsafe. Professional Confidential support is available for you to discuss your concerns
Since students spends more quality time in school so therefore their confidence and response towards the teachers will be more than to others. Therefore school can prevent CSA by giving awareness to students through awareness programs,inviting counselors and experts to give informations and advice about CSA. This will encourage students to speak out about their situations and we can also build confidence in them that there are people who care and concern about their well-being.
ReplyDeleteIn order to respond to various child sexual abuse in schools the school authority has to keep a very strong policies against this act.The children should be tought how to defend themselves and they should know the fact.
ReplyDeleteEncourage emotional regulation. Parents should educate their children.Trust intuition and report The problem to authorize people.Above all let everyone be a trusted adults.
With the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSchool is the second home and teachers are the second parents of it's the duty of every teacher to give and guide them for securing their lives from abusers.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role for the prevention of child sexual abuse by conducting . . .awareness programme
ReplyDelete. encourage the child to speak and inform the school head
. school head should take action on it
. Children should also be free to tell their parents about it so that they can inform the school to take action on the person who abuse a child
However,the government have implement and passed the pocso act on 14 december 2012 they can inform the concern authority for the prevention and protection of child sexual abuse.
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by sticking big a Notice about the Court oder and Punishments regarding the Child Sexual Abuse. And also to be written and announced that if any act are committed by any of the accuse then the school won't take any of the responsibilities and would allow the law to handle any of the needing.
ReplyDeleteSchools can:
ReplyDeleteDevelop policy and procedures to identify possible child abuse and respond appropriately (links provided below)
Learn - Learn about how sexual abusers operate (information below)
Notice - Notice people's behaviours around children (no matter how much you like or trust them)
Act - Act if you see or are told something that might be unsafe. Professional Confidential support is available for you to discuss your concerns.
Organised awareness programme in the school for children from time to prevent child abuse in the school.
ReplyDeleteSchool should take precutionary measures to prevent children from any kind of abuse
ReplyDeleteSchool is a second home for every child and teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in school. By organised awareness programme in school and empowering children to raise voice against any such incident in order to prevent children from any kind of abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in spreading awareness about child sexual abuse.Organising programme, consultation,group discussion with both boys and girls making them aware and understand what sexual abuse is and giving them the confidence to report any incident.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the diverse number of Child Sexual Abuse prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts,this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understanding required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
ReplyDeleteThe school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
ReplyDeleteChild abuse in general and sexual abuse in particular is such a complex problem that no one sector of society can tackle it singlehandedly. Cooperation between school personnel and child protective services workers is vital, but the roles and authority of both organizations must be clearly understood before a collaborative relationship can develop. Designating a liaison person to provide continuity between these two organizations is one way of increasing mutual understanding.
More schools are participating in community child protection teams, which many view as a "key to effective management of child abuse".Teams consist of relevant specialists such as educators, social workers, doctors, lawyers, police, and mental health professionals who work together in the areas of coordination, type of team effort serves as "a 'risk management tool,' which serves to decrease the chances of error when encountering child abuse, because decision making is shared and second opinions are built into the framework of responding,"
Although schools have a key role to play in the fight against abuse, we should not forget that the problem must be confronted on many levels. Ultimately, the greatest challenge may lie in attempting to alter social attitudes and conditions that foster or tolerate the sexual abuse of children.
School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse. In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in preventing of child sexual abuse through organised child awareness campaigns or programmes
ReplyDeleteSchool should organise an awareness program me to prevent from child sexual abuse
ReplyDeleteSchool should organise an awareness program me to prevent from child sexual abuse. Although schools have a key role to play in the fight against abuse, we should not forget that the problem must be confronted in many levels.
ReplyDeleteSchools can pay a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse by stick a big notice about the court order and punishment regarding the child sexual abuse. And also to be written and announce that if any act are committed by any of the accuse then the school won't take any responsibilitiesany would allow the law to handle any of the needing.
ReplyDeleteSchool should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse. So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse here are some points:
ReplyDelete1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
2. School should raise students with good manners.
3. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each others.
Sarkidaroy Suchiang
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse ( CSA) country the government passed the bill like POCSO on 14-12-2012
ReplyDeleteThe role of school in preventing child sexual abuse by...
ReplyDelete*Providing awareness to teaching and non_ teaching staff and parents.
* Creating safe space for disclosure
* Discussion on gender, child sexual abuse, self defense
*Providing awareness to children on online safety.
The school should create a safe learning environment and also to train staffs in child protection.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in preventing of child abuse by conducting or organising an awareness programmes
ReplyDeleterelated to child sexual abuse.
The school is the one social institutions outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent ongoing contact ,so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse schools should raise students with good manners.
ReplyDeleteSchool play a vital role regarding child abuse through awareness program.
ReplyDeleteWith the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
ReplyDeleteSchool should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse. The school is a place with responsibility of making students safe and free from abuse by creating a safe learning environment especially where both boys and girls should have a mutual respect to each other, conducting awareness programme related to child abuse. The school should display the POCSO Act in the school's message board
ReplyDeleteSchool should organise an awareness programme which relate to child sexual is the second home of children where children should be safe and protected
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:-
ReplyDelete1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime.
3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with.
4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's.
5. Schools should raise students with good manners.
6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse.
7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in spreading awareness about child sexual abuse.Organising programme, consultation,group discussion with both boys and girls making them aware and understand what sexual abuse is and giving them the confidence to report any incident.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in this matter concerning with child abuse..The school authorities along with the teachers can also conduct a counselling session in order to help the students of being aware of such activities of child abuse...Programmes can also be conducted to help students in understanding about this issue and also highlighting the POCSO Act,..its importance and the different preventive measures....
ReplyDeleteThe school can play an important role. By paying attention to small details that the children might want to share. Enforce rigid rules and policies and also keeping security camera in every corner
ReplyDeleteSchools plays a very important role in the life of the students, school can mould the children behaviour into a good and productive citizen. School through teachers can organise awareness programmes for the education about child abuse, teach the students about the different rules and act implemented by the government to punish the offence, teach the children to respect each other and also encourage the students to come forward to report any thing which they found odd in the behaviour and touch of any people and not to fear any one
ReplyDeleteThrough child awareness programme and counseling session
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role by conducting various awareness programmes related to child sexual abuse
ReplyDeleteSchool can play vital role in the prevention of sexual abuse by organising awareness programme on child abuse from time to time.
ReplyDeleteSchool has the responsibility to educate all stakeholders about child development, child safety and how to create the right environment for children to feel safe. The school must:
ReplyDelete1. Have a strong child protection policy.
2. Conduct training programmes for its staff on child safety.
3. Conduct safety education classes for the students.
4. Teach the parents on child safety, and support them with parenting and issues related to their children.
5. Work with child safety experts, NGOs and other external stakeholders.
Schools can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by :
ReplyDeletea. Creating a safe school environment.
b. Conducting awareness program
C.give proper training
d. Develop mutual respect for one another
e. Avoid of using inappropriate words, picture Wich will affect the child
School also can play an important role to prevent child sexual abuse. Teaching the value moral life, create awareness program on sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteOganise awareness program on sexual abuse in the school.
ReplyDeleteGive them a good counseling about sexual abuse, organise a self defend program in the school, it must be a good moral life of the teachers and the students in the school.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse by applying the rules and regulations given by the government to protect against child abuse and also to conduct awareness program about child abuse to aware the parents and students.
ReplyDeleteSchool can be play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse through oganise child awareness programs.1 School should instil in students that sexual abuse is a heinous crime. 2 School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteWith the converse the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school. If this case has arise we have to implement in the child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention program in the country. The government passed the bill like PICSO on 14-12-2012.
ReplyDeleteteacher facilitators can and do play a vital role too. A child comes in direct and close contact with teachers for a considerable duration each day. ... Everyone should aim for a society that is free of child abuse and aspire for a world that is free of any exploitation of children.
ReplyDeleteThe school is the one social institution outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent, ongoing contact. Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today, many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
With the converse the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happen in school. If this case arise we have to implement in the child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention program in the country. The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14-12-2012.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:-
ReplyDelete1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime.
3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with.
4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's.
5. Schools should raise students with good manners.
6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse.
7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
With regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programes currently implemented in school contect,this paper examine key consideration for selecting such initiative and the multiplicity of understanding required to inform facilitation of contextually relavant prevention curriculum, punishment for the doer should be taken with out any bias.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the diverse number of Child Sexual Abuse prevention and awareness programs currently implemented in school contexts,this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understanding required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse .In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse(CSA)prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts to prevent child abuse.The protection of the children from sexual offences (POCSO)Act,2012.The Act came into force with effect from 14th Nov,2012 and thereafter the Rules were formed for easy implementation of the act.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play vital role to prevent the child sexual abuse with the following some steps(1) awareness programs on child sexual abuse. (2)creation of environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect. (3)by postering of different act of child abuse so that child can know about act (4)punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias under POCSO ACT 2012
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in the prevention of child sextual abuse by sharing and talk with emphathy,school should have a complaint box,so that the children can write a complaint letter against the abuser,teachers must check regularly and when they found inform immediately Childlike 1098,
ReplyDeleteA school is a place where children spend most of their time and it is where we lay the foundation for good, healthy habits. Schools can thus play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse.
ReplyDelete(1)The school can create awareness about sexual abuse by putting up posters around the school campus .
(2)Encourage staff and students to develop healthy and respectful relationships skills
(3)Teach students sexual violence prevention and talk to students about a Good touch and a Bad touch
(4)Develop policy and procedures to identify possible child sexual abuse and respond appropriately.
Schools can play a vital role in thepthe of child sexual abuse.
ReplyDelete•School can create awareness about sexual abuse by putting up posters around the school campus .
•Encourage staff and students to develop healthy and respectful relationships skills.
•Teach students about violence prevention and talk to students about a Good touch and a Bad touch.
•Develop policy and procedures to identify possible child sexual abuse and respond appropriately.
We have regards to the diverse number of chid sexual abuse provide to organise awareness programme at any village.
ReplyDeleteWe have regards to the diverse number of chid sexual abuse provide to organise awareness programme at any village.
ReplyDeleteWe have regards to the diverse number of chid sexual abuse provide to organise awareness programme at any village.
ReplyDeleteSchool should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse.So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
ReplyDeleteThe school is the one social instituition outside the family with which nearly all children have consistent,ongoing contact.Therefore, it is particularly well-suited for identifying endangered children, including those who are being sexually maltreated. Today,many schools are striving to become more effective participants in prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce the complex problem of child abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool plays a role in helping who is sexually abuse in case there were teachers that children can be open up to.
ReplyDeleteWith the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
Child sexual abusers will always try to make the child keep the abuse a secret ,punishment should be taken without any bias.Be alert and listen carefully to children.
School should conduct an awareness programme twith relate to child sexual abuse. So teacher is a second parents and right to protect them from such incidents.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse by conducting awareness programme relating to sexual abuse,by creating a safe environment where both boys and girls respect each other,by training staff and teachers to protect children.
ReplyDeleteSchool should have a strict rules when it comes to preventing child abuse. They should conduct an awareness programme where students respect each other despite the gender differences. And also the knowledge they need to know in order to stay away when such circumstances happens.
ReplyDeleteThe role of schools becomes very significant in containing the sexual menace. In fact, teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. As the principal of a school, I feel strongly about the safety of the students committed to our care.
ReplyDeleteThe role of schools becomes very significant in containing the sexual menace. In fact, teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. As the principal of a school, I feel strongly about the safety of the students committed to our care.
ReplyDeleteThe role of schools becomes very significant in containing the sexual menace. In fact, teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools. As the principal of a school, I feel strongly about the safety of the students committed to our care.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse. Organising programmes group discussion councelling with the students will make them become aware of child abuse. In addition the school can create a friendly environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other. Ps
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in the prevention of CSA and it is the role of the teachers to see that the children are safe and protected. The curriculum implemented in the school should be such that it provides educational intervention for prevention of CSA .It should help improve the teachers' and students' knowledge, skills and attitudes on disclosure, identification and reporting of CSA.
ReplyDeleteSchool should play a vital role in the prevention of child abuse.They should organize awareness program,discuss the topic openly
ReplyDeleteWith the converse of the number of child sexual abuse in every sphere of life sometimes it happens in school.we have to implement in the context to prevent the child abuse in the country.The government passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play vital role in the prevention of child sexual Abuse. School should be the place to growth physically, rationally and spiritually. Thus being so, school through its various stakeholders play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual Abuse.How, through awareness education about sexual Abuse, its elements and sign. Hence school can furnish children of how, when and why they should react to such evil practise if they may/ have/ had experience they should be brave to face it and expose the doer
ReplyDelete"The school can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse through organise child awareness programs"
ReplyDeleteSchool became very significant in containing the menace. In fact teachers have long been strong pillar of emotional support for children in school protection is made more participative by empowering the children's to raise voice against any such incident.
ReplyDeleteThe integration of vocational education from an early stage of schooling will help the learners in understanding as well as experiencing learning about different trades and occupations based on their skills.This process of learning will help them for future employment opportunities
ReplyDeleteDevelop school policies and Program and provide training and ongoing support so all school staff understand the social context of sexual.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:-
Delete1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime.
3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with.
4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's.
5. Schools should raise students with good manners.
6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse.
7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse
School play a vital role by organising awareness programmes related to child abuse and POCSO act 2012
ReplyDeleteThe role of schools becomes very significant in containing the menace.In fact, teachers have long been a strong pillar of emotional support for children in schools.As the principal of a school,I feel strongly about the safety of the students committed to our care.
ReplyDeleteThe first step is empowerment.
Second step school can do a lot to bring about awareness by engaging the stakeholders, particularly parents
Third step is sensitization of senior class students should be made part of regular school activities.
Lastly, teacher facilitator can, a do and play a vital role
In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum
ReplyDeleteTeacher in school play a vital role in protection of child sexual abuse,by organising awareness program and providing good counsellors
ReplyDeletefor both boys and girls.
School can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:-
ReplyDelete1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime.
3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with.
4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's.
5. Schools should raise students with good manners.
School is a second home for the children and the second mothers.So as a teacher its our right to protect the child and prevent from abuser.
ReplyDeleteIn order to prevent child's sexual abuse...School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other.
ReplyDeleteConducting awareness programme which relate with child sexual abuse.
School can play an important role in preventing child's sexual abuse by keeping children safe from any kind of abuses,a vigilant from the part of teachers ,parents and community can promote safety for the children.
ReplyDeleteChild asexual abuse CSA are the head line in this days schools are not only Imparted education but to organized different awareness program should be implemented in schools context for selected Initiative and multiple understanding of contextual relevant protection curriculum to educated and prevent the rampant of child sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool played a vital role in the prevention of child abuse: teachers beings the 2nd parents to students needs to impart and inspired students how to take care of ones own self and respect one another. We have moral class which is a very important subject, to help, guide and make students aware that we are a wonderful creatures of God,who are created with mind and intelligence to differentiate between right and wrong. Organised awareness program asking the help from childline team.
ReplyDeleteSchools can play a vital role in the prevention of child sexual abuse by creating an awareness about how to protect themselves from being sexually abused through school -based prevention programs,cooperation of school personnel and child protective service workers and participating in community child protection teams.
ReplyDeleteFor the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse the school should:
ReplyDelete▪️ Create a safe and healthy environment,and respect to to one another.
▪️ Conduct an awareness programme for students, teachers, other staff members as well as parents.
▪️To display posters in the school campus regarding Child Sexual Abuse, which act as an awareness to children.
▪️ Conduct teachers and staff members on child safety.
n response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts to prevent child abuse. The protection of children from sexual offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. The Act came into force with effect from 14th November,2012 and thereafter the Rules were formed for easy implementation of the act
ReplyDeleteSchool should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse, a place for them to learn and develop in a safe environment .
ReplyDeleteEvery child has the right to a full and productive life. It is up to all of us to ensure our children grow up in the environments that build confidence, friendship, security and happiness, irrespective their family circumstances or backgrounds. Keeping children safe from harm requires a vigilant and informed community.
To pave effective ways to prevent child abuse in schools, we need to set up a well vigilant and informed community that is confident in making judgments and assertive in taking actions. Schools and educational institutions have a great role to play in it as they not only render learning and education, but also ensure children’s safety and protection as priority. So, it is essential that parents, teachers and educators working with children and young people are able to understand the role each plays in protecting children.
Schools play a vital role in the prevention of CSA and it is the role of the teachers to see that the children are safe and protected. The curriculum implemented in the school should be such that it provides educational intervention for prevention of CSA .It should help improve the teachers' and students' knowledge, skills and attitudes on disclosure, identification and reporting of CSA.
ReplyDeleteChild sexual abusers say that they mostly abuse children who are the most vulnerable and the most available to them. Often it has very little to do with how physically attractive the child is to the abuser. They look for children who appear isolated, sad, or in need of a friend. There are two things that will always be part of a child sexual abuser's routine: isolation and silencing children. Child sexual abusers will nearly always try to isolate a child from other adults. Child sexual abusers will always try to make the child keep the abuse a secret. If a child does tell, they may do so in a 'round about' way. Be alert and listen carefully to children
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse by:
ReplyDeleteA) Creat a safe school environment.
B) Conduct awareness programme for teachers, parents and students.
C) Work with child safety experts( childline), NGOs and other external stakeholders.
The school is responsible for keeping children safe .The school should create a safe learning environment and create awareness program on sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool should conduct awareness program related to child sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool should conduct a werness program related to covid19 how to keep children safe from spread diseasis
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the diverse number of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum. punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in the prevention of child sextual abuse by sharing and talk with emphathy,school should have a complaint box,so that the children can write a complaint letter against the abuser,teachers must check regularly and when they found inform immediately Childlike 1098.
ReplyDeleteSchool play a vital role regarding child abuse through awareness programme.
ReplyDeleteA school is a place where children spend most of their time and it is where we lay the foundation for good, healthy habits. Schools can thus play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse.
ReplyDelete(1)The school can create awareness about sexual abuse by putting up posters around the school campus .
(2)Encourage staff and students to develop healthy and respectful relationships skills
(3)Teach students sexual violence prevention and talk to students about a Good touch and a Bad touch
School can play a vital role in protection of students from child abuse.
ReplyDeleteAs school is a place with responsibility of making students safe and free from creating a safe learning environment identify students who are suffering or at risk of harm and take suitable action.The school also need to train staff for child protection.
School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse have been implemented in all school. The government has also passed the bill like POCSO on 14 December 2012 for the prevention of child sexual abuse in school.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role to prevent child sexual abuse, here are some points,
ReplyDelete1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse and POCSO act 2012. should raise students with good manners in their daily life.
3. School conduct students should not objectified the opposite sex as object s only to be play with.
Protection is made more participative by empowering the children to raise their voices against any such incidents. Schools can doba lot to bring about awareness by engaging the parents and sensitising senior students.
ReplyDeleteTo prevent child abuse a school can:
ReplyDelete1. Develop a child protection policy.
2. Develop code of conduct for employees.
3. Ensure mental health support is provided to students.
4. Look for signs of child abuse.
5. Develop a comprehensive reporting mechanism that is accessible, confidential, secure and effective.
To prevent child abuse a school can:
ReplyDelete1. Develop a child protection policy.
2. Develop code of conduct for employees.
3. Ensure mental health support is provided to students.
4. Look for signs of child abuse.
5. Develop a comprehensive reporting mechanism that is accessible, confidential, secure and effective.
School can play a vital role to prevent child Sexual abuse .some points are as follows should conduct awareness programmes related child Sexual Abuse.
2.Organise a counseling class once in a week to help children know and understand about child Sexual Abuse
3.SMC members should surprisingly visit School and make sure that all the staffs are not the ones that abuse any child
4.If possible school should have CCTV
Prevention of child sexual abuse in school is very important teacher needs to know well about this paper especially the rules and ammendment Act related to CSA for example like POCSO Act 2012.
ReplyDeleteSchools play a vital role in the prevention of C S A and it is the role of the teachers to see that the children are safe and protected. should take awareness programme frequently.
ReplyDelete2.Teachers should teach good manners to children
3.Teachers should tell good and bad touch to children
4.School should compulsory have cctv cameras in campus specially in washroom.
Schools play a vitals role in the prevention of CSA and it is the role of the teachers to sees that the children's are safe and protected..
ReplyDeleteWith regard to the diverse number of Child Sexual Abuse CSA prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerate for selection such initiative and the multiplicity of understanding required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum punishment for the doer should be taken without any bias.
ReplyDeleteTeacher facilitators can and do a vital role too.a child comes indirect and close contact with teachers for a considerable duration each day.everyone should aims for a society that is free of child abuse and aspire for world that is free of any exploitation of children.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse through organise child awareness program.
ReplyDeleteThe school has a huge responsibility to safeguard the children from sexual abuse. This can be done by organising programmes to both the students and also the parents, make each of them aware of the cruel prey around them and not to trust anybody. During classes teachers can give lessons and morals on this topic every now and then.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse through organise child awareness program.
ReplyDeleteSchool can play a vital role in prevention of child sexual abuse, here are some of the points:-
ReplyDelete1. School should conduct an awareness programme with relate to child sexual abuse.
2. School should instil in student that sexual abuse is a heinous crime.
3. Students should not objectified the opposite sex as objects only to be play with.
4. School should create an environment where both boys and girls should have mutual respect for each other's.
5. Schools should raise students with good manners.
6. School should put a poster about the different acts of child abuse, so that students will learnt about child sexual abuse.
7. Sometimes different school should come together to have a rally with regard to child sexual abuse, to educate and prevent the rampant of child sexual
With the converse the number of child sexual abuse in every share of life sometsometime it happen in school.We have to implemented in the context to prevent the child abuse through organization child awareness program.
ReplyDeleteSchool should conduct the awareness program with related to Child sexual abuse.
ReplyDeleteSchool should instill in students that sexual abuse is a crime. School should have a self defence class of martial arts for girls.